Greetings! My name is Paul Leeper. My wife Shannon and I own/operate Cool Frog Transit. I drove a semi for almost 20 years, most of it with a large restaurant food supplier. I earned my degree in Supply Chain Management while I was a driver, spent some time managing a courier company specializing in pharmaceutical distribution, and later returned to restaurant delivery as a warehouse manager.
Cool Frog Transit is the completion of a dream we had several years ago. I love to drive: the ever changing office scenery and the challenge of meeting customer needs is something I have missed since moving to management. Cool Frog gives me the best of both. Now I/we are servicing our own customers and can put our personal touch on it.
Shannon is an LPN working in a wide array of customer care. Her passion is people. Cool Frog will allow her to get involved in natural disaster volunteer opportunities to support victims of floods, tornado, or other natural disaster. Cool Frog Transit will aid by partnering with our customers to provide supplies. Warehouses create damage, it is a cost of doing business. Truth is, not all product that is damaged has to be thrown away. Cool Frog Transit will partner with a few not-for-profit organizations that provide hot meals for victims and volunteers. We will accept donations for products that are not saleable but still useable to deliver to these organizations. Chain names will be removed on site at the supplier, never mentioned to anyone, and delivered free of charge as a donation to relief efforts.
Cooling is provided by ThermoKing and is capable of -5° and above.
We are a Christian owned business.